(NC) For many, vacations are their happy place — a space where and when we relax, recharge, and discover new facets of ourselves and the world. It’s no wonder we want to keep the memories alive. Here are some tips to keep that vacation feeling going, even when you’re back at home.
Choose souvenirs wisely
Souvenirs are personal. Some of us love knickknacks like fridge magnets and t-shirts, others prefer items like pottery or jewellery as a memento. Whatever you choose, ensure it’s something you’ll see, use or wear often so you get frequent reminders of vacations past.
Display your photos
Photography is one of the best parts of a vacation, and it’s a great way to look back on the occasion. But it’s all too easy to leave your photos hidden away in your phone or on your camera’s memory card. Take the time to sort through them while they are still fresh. Collect your favourites into a coffee table book you can flip through with a cup of tea, or get them printed to join your gallery wall, refrigerator door or mantlepiece.

Relive the food
Enjoying food from around the world is one of the great joys of travelling. What better way to keep the spirit of your trip alive than by bringing home a recipe of a local dish or the new snack food you discovered. However, if you’re travelling in an area that’s been identified to have African swine fever (ASF), such as the Dominican Republic, Germany, or China, be sure not to bring home any pork products. If you’ll be visiting a farm when you return, remember to wash items you wore or carried on your trip beforehand.
These precautions might sound strange, but ASF is a contagious virus that, while not dangerous to humans, is highly deadly for pigs if a deadly virus that, while harmless to humans, is contagious and highly deadly for pigs. Even a single case could damage the Canadian economy by shutting down the pork industry here. It’s important to declare all food items when you enter Canada. It may seem far-fetched, but if even a trace amount of the virus in a snack you didn’t finish on the plane ends up in your local dump and a wild pig eats it, there could be millions of jobs, not to mention pigs, at stake.
Find more information at Inspection.gc.ca/protect-pigs.
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