Swedish clothing giant, H&M, has said it would withdraw a Justin Bieber-branded collection after the sensational star labelled the gear as unapproved and “trash”.
On his Instagram page, Bieber wrote: “The H&M Merch they made out of me is trash and I didn’t approve it. Don’t buy it.
“I didn’t approve any of the merch collection that they put up at H&M. All without my permission and approval. I wouldn’t buy it if I were you.”
While talking to AFP in an email, the spokesperson of H&M said it had withdrawn the collection out of respect for Bieber.

The spokesperson said: “As with all other licensed products and partnerships, H&M followed proper approval procedures, but out of respect for the collaboration and Justin Bieber we have removed the garments from our stores and online.”
The collection includes T-shirts, pullovers, phone accessories and a tote bag.
H&M has partnered with Bieber for over several years.
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