(NC) Financial security is important for everyone, but for those living with a chronic illness it can look a little different.
This can be due to challenges with staying in or entering the workforce. For instance, even though many people living with arthritis manage well at work with no additional support, many others must stop working or cannot start working due to their arthritis symptoms.
“People might be surprised to learn working-aged Canadians with arthritis are twice as likely to not be working compared to their peers without arthritis,” says Trish Barbato, Arthritis Society Canada’s president and CEO. “For many people with arthritis, the impact can be severe, affecting their ability to perform daily activities others take for granted.”
Having a chronic illness can also come with increased expenses such as assistive devices and medications. Here are some options that could help if your chronic condition is impacting you financially.
1. Funding and benefits for persons with disabilities
While the legal definition of disability can differ between provinces/territories, there are several federal benefits including the Canada Disability Savings Grants and Bonds; Child Disability Benefit; Canadians Pension Plan Disability Benefit; and benefits specifically for those under 25.
2. Tax credits
The federal government provides tax relief through the Disability Tax Credit, Medical Expense Tax Credit, and GST/HST exemption on medical devices and supplies. For those with a permanent mobility impairment who cannot safely use public transit, there’s the option to ask for a refund of part of the federal excise tax you pay on gasoline.
3. Regional supports and benefits
There are a number of benefit options for residents of specific provinces or territories and some municipalities also have supports.
To find out what’s available in your area, check out the Financial Wellness Guide at arthritis.ca.
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